As we continue to see the rise in cases of Covid19 around the country we wanted you to know we are looking out for your physical and mental health as safely as possible. A recent New York Times article that has been widely quoted regarding how the virus is transmitted bears repeating:
‘What is clear, they said, is that people should consider minimizing time indoors with people outside their families. Schools, nursing homes and businesses should consider adding powerful new air filters and ultraviolet lights that can kill airborne viruses.’
Further in the article it goes to state the following:
‘What are some things I can do to minimize the risks?
Do as much as you can outdoors. Despite the many photos of people at beaches, even a somewhat crowded beach, especially on a breezy day, is likely to be safer than a pub or an indoor restaurant with recycled air. But even outdoors, wear a mask if you are likely to be close to others for an extended period.’
Sound advice for all of us. In order to meet the new requirements for physical distancing, Sister Axe at Bella Vita Farm has spaced our current targets allowing groups of people who wish to stay together to be able to maintain physical distance.
We also realize that the social aspect of this ongoing pandemic becomes more and more important as time goes on. Human beings are social creatures and we need time with others to congregate, laugh and play. It is what makes us human and contributes to our positive mental health.
So come on over and join us for some friendly competition with your friends and family. We look forward to seeing you outdoors on the farm.