Last week on 9/11 we held our axe throwing highlighting first responders on the 19th Anniversary of that fateful day. Many of us can remember the moment we heard about the attacks in NY, Washington and plane crash in Shanksville, PA. Over time memories fade and many younger people alive today merely see that as a tragic event and were not here to actually witness it. The same holds true of those who today protect and serve us.
The question of why we continue to remember are many. First, we remember the lives lost and those directly impacted by that fateful day. Second, we remember how we came together as a country and became noticeably kinder and gentler to one another. Third, we remember the lessons we learned that day and the days to follow about ourselves as individuals and as a country. Many of those lessons are similar to the ones we are learning during this pandemic, most importantly how we treat each other with kindness and gentleness.
We at Bella Vita Farm remember because it is what ties us to our past and to the future. Our farm has a rich history of providing food for generations of Americans. The current owners are caretakers of the land and that history. We are also making our impact with blending farming through our aquaponics greenhouse with axe throwing and events to create a place of collective joy.
We were proud to have a large group from Howard County Police on site to throw some axes and enjoy each other’s company on 9/11. Perhaps next time we can have a little Montgomery County – Howard County friendly competition! Hey for that we don’t have to wait.
To all of our First Responders and those on the front lines for this pandemic THANK YOU for all you do to serve our communities. We are happy to provide a place for a little R&R during this time safely with your friends and farmily.
Special thanks to Elder Pines and Lone Oak Brewery who donated some of their delicious beer to the first responders present. Please continue to support them as local businesses making a difference.